module documentation

Provide any functions for transforming a "stringy" dict/list to one with more types.

In practice, this is just cast_stringy_data and any support functions it needs.

Function cast_stringy_data Take nested StringyData and return a copy with matching nodes up-typed.
Type Alias StringyData Undocumented
Type Alias StringyDatum Undocumented
Function _str_to_bool Translate a commonly used boolean str into a real bool.
Function _str_to_datey Translate an ISO 8601 date/time str into a date, datetime, or marked time str.
Function _str_to_num Translate a number as str into a real int or float.
def cast_stringy_data(data: StringyData, bool_paths: Sequence[str] = (), null_paths: Sequence[str] = (), num_paths: Sequence[str] = (), date_paths: Sequence[str] = (), converter: Converter | None = None) -> list | dict: (source)

Take nested StringyData and return a copy with matching nodes up-typed.

data:StringyDataA dict or list composed of str, dict and list items all the way down.
bool_paths:Sequence[str]YAMLPath queries indicating nodes to be up-typed to bool.
null_paths:Sequence[str]YAMLPath queries indicating nodes to be up-typed to None.
num_paths:Sequence[str]YAMLPath queries indicating nodes to be up-typed to int/float.
date_paths:Sequence[str]YAMLPath queries indicating nodes to be up-typed to date/datetime/time.
converter:Converter | NoneA Converter used to unstructure the result to match specific type support, defaulting to one created with mk_json_types_converter.
list | dict
A nested dict or list containing some "up-typed" (casted) items
in addition to strs.
ValueErrorUp-typing a str failed due to an unexpected format.
StringyData: TypeAlias = (source)


list[StringyDatum] | dict[str, StringyDatum]
StringyDatum: TypeAlias = (source)


str | list | dict
def _str_to_bool(informal_bool: str) -> bool: (source)

Translate a commonly used boolean str into a real bool.

informal_bool:strA boolean represented as str, like "true", "no", "off", etc.
boolTrue or False to match the intent of informal_bool.
ValueErrorThis doesn't look like enough like a bool to translate.
def _str_to_datey(informal_datey: str, time_marker: str) -> date | datetime | str: (source)

Translate an ISO 8601 date/time str into a date, datetime, or marked time str.

informal_datey:strAn ISO 8601 date/time str.
time_marker:strAn arbitrary prefix (such as a UUID) which will be used to create a "marked time" str, rather than an (unyamlable) time instance.
date | datetime | str
An date, datetime, or marked time str equivalent of informal_datey.
A marked time str is just ISO 8601 prefixed with time_marker.
ValueErrorThis doesn't look like enough like a date/time to translate.
def _str_to_num(informal_num: str) -> int | float: (source)

Translate a number as str into a real int or float.

informal_num:strA number represented as str, like "5.5", "1e3", or "0xdecaf"
int | floatAn int or float equivalent of informal_num.
ValueErrorThis doesn't look like enough like a number to translate.