class documentation

Read NestedText and output its content as YAML.

By default, generated YAML values will only contain strings, arrays, and maps, but you can cast nodes matching YAML Paths to boolean, null, number, or date.

Casting switches may be before or after file arguments.


nt2yaml example.nt nt2yaml <example.nt cat example.nt | nt2yaml nt2yaml --int People.age --boolean 'People."is a wizard"' example.nt

Method main Undocumented
Instance Variable bool_paths Undocumented
Instance Variable date_paths Undocumented
Instance Variable null_paths Undocumented
Instance Variable num_paths Undocumented

Inherited from _NestedTextToTypedFormat:

Class Variable schema_files Undocumented

Inherited from _ColorApp (via _NestedTextToTypedFormat, _NestedTextToTypedFormatSupportNull, _NestedTextToTypedFormatSupportDate):

Constant ALLOW_ABBREV Undocumented
Constant COLOR_GROUPS Undocumented
Constant VERSION Undocumented
def main(self, *input_files: ExistingFile): (source)
